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Google Analytics v4
Once logged in and the account has been slected, click on the 'Configure' link in the left hand menu. (bottom icon)
On the following menu, click 'Audiences'
This will bring up a list table. Click the 'All Users' entry
You will now see the last used report.
To update the report, first select the dates form the section top right
First select the starting date period (usually a whole month, so will have to use 'Custom')
Then click 'Compare' if it's not already active, and select the comparative date period.
'Same period last year' in this case to give a December 2021 comparison to December 2020
In this instance, there is no data for December 2020.
Changing to 'Preceeding period' will give the same date period immediately proceeding, in this case 31 days, so more than November.
To only compare November and December, you need to choose 'Custom' in the compare time preiod and manually select November.