How much would you pay for a New Salon Client?

salon new client campaign

Here are the results of the biggest survey of facebook adverts for salons ever conducted :

In the last quarter of 2018 we ran New Client campaigns for many of our 165 salons, reaching over 1/2 million potential clients.

This allowed us to analyse the results of by far the biggest New Client campaign ever run on facebook for salons

The campaigns...

Over 60 salons were involved in the New Client promotion.
The level of New Client discount offered varied from 20% to 50%.
Some discounts were for a Cut & Finish and others were for Colour (plus a full price Cut & Finish).
Every salon had a series of New Client facebook adverts running during the period from 1st September to 31st November (dates varied by salon).
Targeting varied by age range, gender and distance from the salon to suit their locations - villages, towns and big cities.

People who clicked the adverts were taken to a page on the salon's website where they could enter their name and email and claim a New Client Voucher via email.

The Results - totals & averages across all the salons

Total number of people who saw one of the facebook adverts: over 650,000

Total spent: £19,175

Average cost per click: £0.25

Number of Vouchers claimed: 7,595

Average cost per Voucher claim: £2.52

Using the numbers above you can work out the likely cost and return for your salon's facebook adverts

  • Spend £100 on adverts and you are likely to have 40 people claim a New Client Voucher.
  • Spend £200 on adverts and you are likely to have 80 people claim a New Client Voucher.

These numbers are based on the average cost per click and claim rates.

Salons running campaigns and areas covered included...

Antonys for Hair (Bury)
Bliss (Nottingham and Loughborough)
Cheynes (Edinburgh)
Fox (Leicester)
Giannasso (Covent Garden, London)
Gary Pellicci (Essex)
Voodou (Liverpool)
Zappas (Wokingham + other locations)
Zigzag (Milton Keynes & Towcester)

Want to know more?

Use the pink Request a Call Back Button at the top of the page and we can share even more data and examples with you.

No-one has our expertise of helping salons GROW through the best Salon Marketing.