the best Salon Marketing in Easy Steps
Throughout this site there is a mass of useful information for salon owners looking to improve the performance of their website.
You may choose to jump around the pages listed on the left gathering insights and tips as you go, or for a more ordered approach, follow these Easy Steps that will give you a campaign of action in a logical sequence.
Click “more info” on any Step to get a more detailed list and description of the actions needed.
The Easy Steps in Summary –
Step 1
Facebook Fan Page
Analyse search rankings
Develop core messages
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Step 2
Plan and use Facebook messages
Improve SEO and track rankings
Improve website content
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Step 3
Calendar of seasonal and event messages
Down-loadable vouchers and guides
Begin email campaigns
Use Google PPC
Use Facebook adverts
more info
Step 4
Changeable website adverts
Develop members pages
Add website VIP sign-in
Develop blog stories
Add website database of members
Add online appointment booking
Use online customer surveys
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